Compiling and installing TPIE

You will need Git, CMake, Boost and a C++ compiler in order to use TPIE on any system.

Once these dependencies have been installed, you should be able to use the steps in this section to compile and install TPIE.


First, clone the git repository and checkout the branch or tag you wish to compile:

git clone git://
cd tpie
git checkout master

Now, create a build directory and run CMake followed by make:

mkdir build
cd build

This will generate the static library libtpie.a in the build/tpie folder. The unit test executables are placed in the test/unit folder and are prefixed with the token ut-. To run the unit tests, use CTest:



TPIE can be used right from the build directory, or installed into a separate directory. The two most popular ways of doing this are:

Direct Installation

You can install tpie in /usr/local/ by simply invoking:

make install

Change the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX CMake variable to change the prefix directory.

CPack Installation

You can use CPack to build various binary packages that can be used to install TPIE on your computer, or on other computers:

# On .deb-based Linux distros:
sudo dpkg -i tpie-1.0.0-Linux.deb
# On other Linux distros:
cd /usr/local
sudo tar xvf path/to/tpie/build/tpie-1.0.0-Linux.tar.gz

To link your application with TPIE, may manually specify the linker flags -ltpie -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_date_time, or you may use the example CMakeLists.txt from the tpie/example/ directory to find the TPIE installation using CMake.


Clone the git repository at git://, perhaps using TortoiseGit or Git Extensions, and set up the build environment using CMake, perhaps using the CMake GUI. TPIE is known to work with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 compilers. Be sure to select a 64-bit build when your platform supports it.